How long will it take to ship my order?
We strive to process and ship every order within 48 business hours. You can expect to receive your order in 4 -7 business days depending on your location.
The delivery timeline depends upon the delivery address of the customer.
For metros & Tier 1 cities, it may take 3-4 working days, whereas for Tier 2 & 3 cities & rural areas, it may take 5-7 working days.
What is your cancellation policy?
If you wish to cancel your order you can reach out to our customer support team at +919773465733 or designerharsha.in@gmail.com.
What is your return and exchange policy?
Our returns and exchange policy gives you an option to return or exchange items purchased from our website for any reason within 7 days of receipt of the item. We only ask that you don't use the product and preserve its original condition, tags and packaging.
How do I know that my order has been dispatched?
We will send an instant e-mail with the information for the shipment of your order as soon as the order is handed over to the shipping company. We will also send the tracking number for the shipment so that customers can track their shipment on their own.
How can the customer place an order?
Follow the following steps to place an order:
- Select the style that you like and click on add to cart button (given on every product page).
- Then go to your shopping cart by clicking on the shopping cart icon on the right side of the header.
- If you have an offer coupon add the coupon code in the given box (on the right side).
- You can then do check out or continue shopping to add more products.
- Fill all the relevant details in the form that pops up (Please fill all the details properly so that we can reach you back and deliver your products accurately).
- After filling your details, you can continue and add your shipping details (add the address on which you want your products to be delivered).
- After entering your shipping details, click continue.
- If you still have any confusion you can call, whats-app or email us.
What is the meaning of Unstitched Fabric?
Unstitched Fabric means the fabric will have to be stitched completely to make it ready to wear. Customers can get the fabric stitched by opting for our customize stitching service on the website or they can also get the outfit stitched at their end.
What is the meaning of Semi-stitched Salwar Kameez?
Semi-stitched means half stitched suits in which styles have predefined sleeve length, dress length, sleeve style, neck depths and neck styles. In these dresses, the only thing left open is the side seams, which can be adjusted as per the bust size. The bottom for semi stitched Salwar Kameez comes as a fabric, which can be stitched as per customer’s specifications.
How can the customer use their coupons?
Customer can use their coupon code on cart or checkout page before they place an order.